Sunday, June 7, 2009

Oh ! ‘light’

I seem to breathe a fresh breath of air,

as the ‘light’ enlightens my thought;

my thoughts are devoid of any despair,

as the ‘light’ rejuvenates my heart.

I feel the ‘light’ with glowing warmth,

the warmth brightening my candle mind;

it slowly melts my feeling froth,

to bring a thought of different kind.

Oh ! ‘light’ I see you even in darkness,

in the abyss of my neural sea;

I see you in the caring kindness,

unveiling my pigeon-mind free.

I am flying, flying high

to reach the ever-glowing ‘light’;

I see the invisible in your eye,

making every look a worthy sight.


  1. Hey Pa 1! Ishtond inspiration aa nin 'Light' inda??? heheh ;-))

  2. heheheh, well for me...light is the essence of life..

  3. Heheh I thought Science is the essence of ur life and 'Light' is the spice of ur life!!! ;-))

  4. well...both are like eyes....can't do without either..
