Sunday, December 27, 2009
15 lessons of research I learnt
Friday, October 30, 2009

Every thought is born in a quest,
a delightful pursuit to understand;
every thought is a peaceful conquest,
guided by the reason’s command.
How I ponder day in and day out,
and try to unveil the nature ?
How I fight this elevated bout,
to construct a thoughtful future ?
Every quest is a clouded mist
where mind penetrates to scatter back;
a mighty thought is a Pascal of fist
entering the fight with a subtle attack.
A great sailing thought has its great equal:
and we adore this as the ‘ocean of labour’;
Latter is the process, former its sequel,
meeting each other at an intellectual harbour.
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Eleven at night,
I look at the heavens;
glitter fills my sight
with angles and demons.
I ask a star,
what’s your kind ?
it twinkles beyond par,
asking me to find.
I sight the Betelgeuse,
the glowing red gaint;
it’s resting at peace
like an elevated saint.
I look out for Sirius,
the queen of white dwarfs;
her looks are mysterious
with electrons as her scarfs.
Now, I search the invisible,
I search the event horizon,
I fail to sight the incredible,
to realize Einstein’s reason.
Should I thank my eye,
for this spectacular show ?
or should I thank the sky
for her ever lasting glow ?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Rain Dance

I view the water beyond a picket fence,
waiting for the lovely rain to commence;
grayish clouds slowly emerge,
bidding adieu for the sun to submerge.
The river I see is a silky flow,
her surface reflects a silver glow;
trickling rain drops begin the dance,
by writing a poetry on nature’s romance.
Every drop bounces on its back,
as an elliptic pearl with a transparent sac;
gravity pulls the bouncing drop,
to enter the river’s heart right from the top.
Until the clouds and silky river exist,
dance of the rain will continue to persist;
I am a mere spectator of this wonder called ‘rain’,
it awes me to view it time and again.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
India vs Europe vs USA
My personal views on research in 3 countries/continents –
1) Open source learning, good interaction among students
2) Urge to perform, understand and good awareness
3) People with good theoretical understanding
4) Low cost methods to do high-end research – enriches creativity
1) Time consuming, not highly focused
2) Lack of good education in experiments
3) Not many get opportunity to do research
4) Not many are interested in research – ‘software company: big buck’ attitude
1) Desire to understand a problem in depth, significant time spent on a problem
2) Research in groups, sharing of knowledge and resources, big projects
3) Technically superior than US and
4) Emphasis on conferences and proceeding
1) Sometimes lack of drive and urgency - 9 to 5 attitude
2) Multiple languages
3) Pro-European preferences in positions
4) Hierarchy, high taxes
1) Magnificent drive among students and Profs
2) Group meetings – task driven meeting, deadlines etc.
3) Result oriented – ‘come what may we need to do’ attitude, thrust on applications
4) Competition – ‘do it before someone does’ attitude, if you are good, you thrive…
1) Money, money, money – it’s a rat race for funding
2) anti open source – capitalistic view point
3) Indian and Chinese students used as cheap labor
4) ‘Black box’ attitude towards instruments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
He opens a leaf in the book of his mind
to read the words with a new insight;
soothing colours strike and unbind
creating a thought of new delight.
Chapters begin in a new page
to enriches the content of thought,
it opens the doors of a minding sage
inviting knowledge to be sought.
Every word is poetry in itself
making the reader spellbound;
phone of harmony crawls to engulf
in the music of creative sound.
Lines begin in words,
words begin in letters;
flowing as water towards
the ocean of thoughtful jitters.
Every word has a meaning,
meaning which dives deep;
it rejuvenates in the morning
after a breathless mystic sleep.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Oh ! ‘light’
I seem to breathe a fresh breath of air,
as the ‘light’ enlightens my thought;
my thoughts are devoid of any despair,
as the ‘light’ rejuvenates my heart.
I feel the ‘light’ with glowing warmth,
the warmth brightening my candle mind;
it slowly melts my feeling froth,
to bring a thought of different kind.
Oh ! ‘light’ I see you even in darkness,
in the abyss of my neural sea;
I see you in the caring kindness,
unveiling my pigeon-mind free.
I am flying, flying high
to reach the ever-glowing ‘light’;
I see the invisible in your eye,
making every look a worthy sight.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Lady Gandhi
During my M.Sc., I had the pleasure of meeting a Burmese researcher in the Physics department of
Freedom is one of the most important aspects of human life. With freedom comes responsibility, and hence a way of thoughtful expression. If this expression of mind is subdued, then basic human instincts are perturbed, and may lead to ‘man made’ catastrophes. There are few countries around the world where common freedom, which is oblivious in most of the democratic countries, is under severe threat. One such country is
According to me, she is the Lady Gandhi of the present world, and has inspired many people including me to cherish and respect the freedom we enjoy. Now I quietly sit back and think how important it was for Dr. Yee Yee Oo, when she said freedom is priceless, but to obtain it we have to pay a large price….I hope
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Flowing pearl

Gleaming innocence whispers a call
to brighten its future on a benighted path;
those eyes speak with a furtive haul
unveiling the grief at the aftermath.
undulating towards the abstruse sea;
it seeks affection with a motherly curl
to reach the depth of lasting glee.
but shall not continue all the way;
it may outlast moments and perseverance,
but shall always yield to a creative play.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A thought on ‘the thought’
Albert Einstein mentioned somewhere that ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge’. I think communicating ones imagination effectively is as much important as the imagination itself. The job is only half done if either of the aforementioned is neglected. One of the most important thing which give rise to the birth of an idea is the ability to wonder. Wonder, according to some philosophers, is a logical outcome of ignorance, and it is purely up to an individual to construct a thought through ‘a wonder’ and further venture into it at various depths. This venturing again depends on interests, and interest further depends on how your thoughts have been influenced before. As you may observe, the process of wonder and thought is cyclic in nature. But thinking, according to me, is a non-linear process. Most of the times, thinking is like constructing a building with in your mind, where its bricks are piled from different sources within the mind itself. So if you are trying to understand something, it is never that you grasp a point without taking a round about path; and many a times, you realize the shortest path to an idea only after you have seen the complete evolution of an idea itself. Another important aspect is that the birth of a thought need not always arise from silent pondering, but also can emerge from an argument over an issue with an external source; here I presume the source to be a human being, a book, an image, or any of the information which can be detected via the five senses. Surprisingly, new ideas do evolve as and when we communicate a thought. When I say ‘communicate’, I mean, not only I put forth a thought to the outer world, but also I should be grasping an idea into my mind from an external resource, and this communication can be duplex, i.e., it can occur simultaneously. My personal experience is that every time when I communicate a thought, my understanding of it improves, no matter whether I have done this before or not. This also provides me an opportunity to get a feedback from the source with which I argue up on the same thought. So this brings me to the concept of ‘argument’. Now, imagine a world where every human being agreed with each other on everything. That would be a dull one, isn’t it? The essence of communication is to effectively exchange thoughts between two minds. When this exchange occurs, the thought might interfere either constructively or otherwise. The highest level of attainment in thinking is to agree to disagree. This is a mechanism where you grasp an idea, and when you realize that it destructively interferes with your pre-conceived notion on the same concept, then you create a different space in your mind, where you store the though of the external source. This, in a sense, is like enlarging your memory space on the computer hard disk, where you still maintain your old data, but you create new space for the new data, no matter whether you use the new data or not. Why should a mind agree to disagree ? This is like asking why a coin should have two faces. In most of the arguments which a mind involves itself, it comes across a new concept. At that moment, it immediately compares it with its own database, and if the new concept is in phase with the old one, it constructively interferes and ‘yields’ to make a belief stronger, where as, if it is out of phase, instead of destructively interfering, it takes in the thought and stores it. This storage is what we see as tolerance, control, resistance of mind etc., and is a more complicated process than yielding to a thought.
In this blog, I have just tried to highlight the complications in understanding the process of thought. Countless philosophers are pondering about it, so it is worthwhile for us to give a thought on ‘the thought’….after all everybody is a philosopher in their own sense….
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Satyameva Jayathe ?
Come 16th May09, world’s largest democracy, hopefully, will have a new government. Although, the 5th phase of the polling is due on Wednesday, the result of 15th Lok Sabha election in
One of the interesting comparisons I like to make is the hype around the prime ministerial candidate just like the American presidential candidature. If at all the Indian media is trying to play the capitalist game of their American counterpart, they don’t realize that there's many a slip twixt cup and lip.
In retrospect, it is important to remember that it’s not the size of the dog in fight, but the size of the fight in dog which fetches the glory; and lets hope that the fight is for the right cause…let SATYAMEVA JAYATHE !
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thrive, thrive and thrive;
humans vociferously resonate,
enslaved to conquer and survive,
their thoughts ignite to detonate.
They herald a belligerent tone
to unveil the encrypted nature;
operoseness fractures any stone
to construct a magnanimous future.
Their freedom is in flight,
a flight to reach infinity;
but they fail to reach despite
their enthralled capability.
They thrive again and fail,
but never give up the pursuit,
they wipe their tears and hail
to rejuvenate the dispute;
If only sapiens could fly,
their covetousness ceases to be bounded,
so nature humbles their supply,
to keep the humans grounded !